Friderici News | Neuchâtel in 122 tons

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4 August 2016

Neuchâtel in 122 tons

“Hats off to the drivers. They may have people waving at them to maneuver, but you have to dare to drive there!”

This gentleman, who came to see the four behemoths pass through his street in Marin, sums up the admiration felt by all the spectators who witnessed, on Tuesday night, the transit of a wind turbine mast through Neuchâtel. Destined for the Mont-Crosin site (see opposite), this mast was divided into four pieces and transported by the trucks of the Friderici company, each with its own impressive characteristics. Heavy, high, long…

The first truck, which set off at midnight from Marin – they were parked there after having reached the canton in the early evening from Murten – was the heaviest, with its 122 tons! Behind it, the highest convoy with its 5m10. A height that barely allowed the transport to pass under the La Tène footbridge.

Article published in the Express

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